How To Train Hair To Go Back Try Easy Ways

How To Train Hair To Go Back? Try Easy Ways

Can you train your hair to go back? You can train your hair to go back, yes. How to train hair to go back? The hair follicles under your scalp start to grow hair in a specific pattern that cannot always be changed. You will develop the habit of arranging your hair in the way you want to and consider a few household products that can help to hold your hair in place temporarily in order to teach it to fall back. You may teach your hair to grow back if you have some patience and some time to spare.

What Does It Mean To Train Hair To Go Back?

Can hair really be “trained” to grow in some way? Well, the answer is – yes! You can do this, but it takes time and energy to meet your perfect hairstyle requirements.

Combing your hair back will make it easier to set, which is why most people like it now.

It is important to understand how hair grows and how everyone grows it. Do we all have the same hair growth pattern?

People’s hair types or hair qualities are different. Similarly, everyone’s hair growth patterns and growth directions are also different.

So this means that the hair grows in a specific direction from the hair follicle under your scalp and will continue to grow until it changes manually over time. This process is called “training” your hair.

In other words, the time spent in order to achieve the effect of training your hair recovery will vary from person to person.

Your hair type and the natural direction of hair growth play an important role in hair training.

So be patient. If your speed is not as fast as your friend’s, don’t be disappointed easily.

Train Your Hair: Can You Do It?

It seems impossible to “train” your hair. Moreover, in a sense, training your hair is different from traditional training.

When we talk about training your hair, we are talking more about the methods that can help your hair grow in the way you want, rather than those determined by heredity and humidity.

But before we discuss some ways to help keep your hair smooth, we must understand a little about the importance of growth patterns and a good hairstyle.

The Growth Pattern Of Hair

One thing is certain – everyone’s hair is different, and everyone’s hair grows differently. When we talk about hair growth patterns, we are talking about the angle and direction of natural hair growth.

Most people’s growth patterns affect only part of their hair. The most common isolated growth patterns in the front of the hairline are hair rotation and widow peak.

“Hair licking” is a section of hair that is very straight, or forms an opposite or inconsistent angle with other parts of the hair. Unfortunately, annoying hair curls will make you look more supple, but it’s not impossible.

In fact, we all have a specific growth pattern – or pattern – and we can thank our parents for giving us unique hair characteristics. But this does not mean that you are destined to live forever in a stubborn hairstyle that does not conform to your personality and characteristics.

There are several ways to keep your hair straight and combed back, and it can also be adjusted according to your personal growth pattern. The first thing you have to do is make sure you cut it well.

The Importance Of A Good Cutting

When your goal is to let your hair lie flat and start over, your hairstyle is the basis for you to start processing and training your hair.

If you want to keep your hair flat and back, the right hairstyle is very important, especially if you have curls. Too short hairstyle will not have a good effect, will make your hair more difficult to tame, and will make you easier to be noticed.

If you want to cut it short, it is important to have enough length around the hair so that you can control it, rather than let it be bad for you. Also, to make your back look smooth, you definitely need some length – generally 4 to 6 inches.

So your first step is to make sure you have a hairstyle that suits your needs. Discuss with your hairdresser to cut the back and sides of the hair shorter, and the top hair should be long enough to make the hair smooth.

Once you have the right hairstyle, you can start training your hair to return to its original shape.

How Long Will Train Hair To Go Back?

If you use highly efficient products and exercise appropriately for two to three weeks, your hair will regrow in only a few short weeks.

Depending on the type of hair, the hair can lay back in different ways. since the natural growth direction of our hair is unique. If you want to modify it, you can’t just do it. But you can see the results if you’re patient and work hard enough.

How To Train Hair To Go Back?

Get A Good Haircut

If you have curly hair, there is a small problem with combing it back. Short hair training is impossible. Therefore, the first thing to do is to cut a suitable hairstyle.

How to train your hair back

If you want a hairstyle that comes back, your hair must be 4 to 6 inches long. Such long hair is enough to cover up curls.

So next time you go to the salon, ask your barber to cut the hair on your head a little longer. It’s like the hair on the top falls to one side, and it looks like every hair falls down. Also, tell him to cut his hair a little shorter on the side and back of his head.

Because generally, what we see is the hair on one side, which grows outward.

Remember, the shorter the hair, the more difficult it is to train it. If you have the right hair size, you can easily train your hair.

Brush Your Hair Back With Conditioner And Wax

You can brush your hair back with good hair oil or wax. You may be afraid or wonder whether you should put such a strong product on your hair.

So let me tell you, there are many safe, chemical-free emollients and waxes on the market, and their effects are also very good. All you need to do is choose the product that suits you.

Emollient oil is a very effective product, which can pull the hair back. There are two kinds of conditioner, one is water-based, the other is oily.

Oily conditioner is old-fashioned. It makes hair look shiny and difficult to wash. And water-based emollient oil is a new variety. It doesn’t make your hair look greasy like a greasy conditioner.

Don’t be stingy when buying conditioner. Even if you spend a little more money, you should also spend on things with good effects that won’t hurt your hair.

Hair wax and hair oil are very different. The wax dries quickly on the hair. It is very suitable for fashionable and formal hairstyles.

In addition, it can keep hair neat. Wax will not reduce the volume of hair at all.

Before buying hair oil or wax, check carefully before buying. Everyone’s hairstyle is different, so not all products are suitable for everyone’s hair quality.

If your hair is thin and flat, you need a hairstyle that suits your hair. If you have thick curly hair, you need a hairstyle that matches this hairstyle.

Start Using Cleaning Shampoo

Use Cleansing Shampoo every two weeks to prevent excessive accumulation and to clean the product on the hair.

Cleaning shampoo can perfectly clean hair. Don’t use this shampoo every day. By using this shampoo frequently, it eliminates the natural oil in hair.

Due to the daily use of this shampoo, the hair becomes lifeless.

So how to use this shampoo? First, take a coin-sized shampoo and apply it to the wet hair, from the scalp to the rest of the hair. Gently massage, and then thoroughly wash your hair.

After applying this powerful shampoo to your hair, you can use a conditioner or a hair mask to restore the natural luster of your hair.

Grow Long Hair

When it comes to training your hair to be smooth and backward, length is very critical. Almost everyone knows this fact, but many people often ignore it.

Therefore, you need to make sure that your hair is at least 4-6 inches long. Because if your hair is not long enough, even if you use many products, all your efforts are in vain.

Or, if you don’t want to measure the length with a ruler, pay attention to whether the bangs of your hair at least reach the bridge of your nose.

Take Action When Your Hair Is Wet

I believe most of you realize that after taking a bath, your hair is wet, so it’s important not to touch it.

Pores open, hair follicles fragile, and more likely to break, leading to hair loss.

So, yes, don’t use it when your hair is completely wet, but when your hair is wet (especially gentle of course).

How To Train Hair To Go Back Try Easy Ways
How To Train Hair To Go Back Try Easy Ways

You can dry it with a towel or blow it dry.

Comb Your Hair When It Is Wet

Because wet hair is easy to break or damage, you should be very careful when taking care of your hair.

Your hair can be combed with a comb or comb according to your wishes while keeping your hair moist. The most important thing is that the hair is more sensitive when it is wet, and it is easier to stay in place.

However, completely wet or soaked hair is fragile and easy to break. Don’t try to smooth it back.

Blow dry

A hair dryer is a necessary tool for training hair to grow backward. The dryer can help you comb your hair in the way you want because it forces your hair to comb backward through heat and pressure.

After taking a bath, dry your hair gently with a towel, and then place the hair dryer 6 inches away from your hair when it is still wet. Consider using low or medium heat settings to avoid excessive damage.

You can also use heat protection spray to protect your hair before blowing it dry. If you want to comb your hair back, you have to blow it back to dry. While blowing backward, blow the hair dryer upward to make your hair more fluffy.

Or, if you want to reduce the volume, you can choose to point it at a slightly downward angle when blowing it backward.

The most important thing is to use a wide tooth comb or a large comb or fingers to comb back, repeatedly and gently blow dry your hair to make it firm.

If you do this, again and again, your hair will gradually set. Be patient and plan to do it every day, otherwise, it won’t have good results.

Comb Or Comb Back Your Hair Every Day

When you try your best to comb your hair back, you must comb your hair at least once a day. In fact, this is the best way to restore your hair to its original state. But avoid excessive combing, because excessive combing will pose a great threat to your hair.

Remember, the more your hair is used to combing backward or backward, the less time you need and the fewer times you comb or comb your hair.

In addition, you can also comb your hair to the back with shampoo or conditioner when taking a shower, which will help train your hair to slide back and clean it effectively.

Show Or Hairband

These ornaments prevent your hair from drooping forward and train your hair to lie back. For best results, you need to brush your hair back after combing or showering.

When you wander around the house, be sure to wear these tapes, which will keep your hair in its exact position and further help you train your hair effectively and quickly.

But don’t be confused. You don’t need to wear it all day or every day. Your goal is to have a smooth back instead of using these things all the time, right?

However, like other things, these two also have shortcomings. Because they only apply pressure to the front hair, not the back hair, they are not able to comb all their hair back effectively.

Durag And Hair Mask

Using these three things will achieve the same purpose. Because these ornaments will continue to press down on your entire scalp, they can effectively train your hair to comb inward and backward for a long time.

You can consider wearing it after brushing your teeth or combing your hair and blowing it back after taking a shower. Make sure they are close to the head but avoid being too tight.

You don’t want to wear it for a long time, so wear it at home. It will take about 15-30 minutes. After a few days, you are likely to notice that your hair will naturally slide back, effortlessly.

Baseball Cap

Another common way to grow hair is to wear a baseball cap. If you are always busy, this choice is a good choice for you. In addition to training the hair back, this will also work well as a real style accessory. That’s great! You must use them like any other accessory on the list.

Pay Attention To Your Hair Length

Since I mentioned that a good haircut is essential, you must want to know what a “good” haircut is.

Well, in order to make it easier for you to train your hair to go back to the past, remember to pay attention to the length.

Don’t cut your hair too short, because long hair is easier to take care of, especially for those with curly hair.

Here’s a little suggestion: if you’re not used to keeping your hair too long and prefer short hair, you can cut your hair like this, leaving only the hair around the curl longer. Maybe you can cut the hair on both sides and at the back. In this way, the main part of your head, that is, the part you need to train back, will be easier to operate.


Hair styling can be challenging at times, especially if your hair is greasy, frizzy, or otherwise difficult to manage. However, you can reduce the amount of time you spend brushing and looking in the mirror by training your hair. By giving your hair a little daily attention, you can eventually train it to perform the way you want. Your hair will be a lot healthier and simpler to style in a few weeks!

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