Why Does My Hair Feel Like Straw Causes & How to Treat

Why Does My Hair Feel Like Straw? Causes & How to Treat

Generally, your hair feels like straw because of excessive heat, shampooing too much, improper conditioning… We’ll go over the typical causes of dry, brittle hair in this article, along with some solutions.

Hair that resembles straw is also prone to breakage and difficult to style. This article will discuss common factors that lead to “straw hair”, as well as effective methods to improve your hair texture.

Why is My Hair So Straw?

Straw-like hair is often the result of common hair care oversights, such as these:

Excessive Heat

utilizing heated appliances such as blow dryers, curling irons, and hair straighteners, etc., on your hair can fry it over time, leading to coarse hair and making it feel drier than sandpaper. In addition, heat styling sucks up the hair’s moisture and worsens split ends, making it hard for you to rock your natural curls.

Shampooing Too Much

Shampoos with sulfates (and, in some cases, shampoos without sulfates) contain cleaners that reduce the moisture content of the hair. Shampooing removes the natural oils from your hair and scalp, which can throw off the moisture balance and cause a straw-like texture.

In light of this, it is likely that you are shampooing your hair too frequently if you shampoo more frequently than twice per week.

Note: How frequently you wash your hair depends on the type of hair you have and how it is currently looking. You will need to wash your hair frequently whether it is curly or straight.

Improper Conditioning

The secret to having shiny, bouncy hair is moisture. The lack of moisture causes your hair to become dry and brittle. Skipping conditioning sessions or using a deep conditioner that doesn’t suit your hair type will leave your hair dry and feeling like straw.

Spending a Lot of Time in the Pool

Chlorine and other harmful chemicals are present in large quantities in swimming pool water. Your hair cuticles may become damaged and dry if you are exposed to these chemicals in excess.

Regular Chemical Treatments

Your hair will become dry if you frequently bleach, dye, or perm it. The harmful chemicals these treatments contain are to blame for everything.

Your hair’s cuticles are invaded by hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and sodium hydroxide, which leaves them dry and porous and eventually makes your curls appear and feel brittle.

Lack of Adequate Nutrition

Inadequate nutrition can also lead to dry, coarse hair. Be sure to consume a diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support healthy hair growth. Here are a few vitamins that promote healthy, supple hair:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Biotin (Vitamin B-7)
  • Vitamin B-12

Exposure to the Sun

Your hair is seriously harmed by prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays. The UV rays can lighten your hair’s natural color and even change your curls’ texture from soft and supple to hard and dry.

Change of Environment

When you travel, the climate can change, which can make your hair weaker and lose its strength.

Why Does My Hair Feel Like Straw Causes & How to Treat
Why Does My Hair Feel Like Straw? Causes & How to Treat

After Showering, Why Does My Hair Feel Like Straw?

Wet hair loses its elasticity, making breakage and frizz more likely. When you step out of the shower, improper handling of wet hair can leave you feeling like a straw. The products you use during the washing process, improper brushing, the hardness of your water, and the way you dry and style your hair are all things to take into account as potential causes of these results post-shower.

Water Hardness

Your home’s water supply might be to blame for your mop’s lack of moisture. Hard water makes hair straw-dry and brittle, making split ends and breakages more likely. Installing a water softener will give you softer water that won’t leave as many mineral deposits on your hair and will remove the minerals from your shower. With a clean bill of health, the final product was soft, shiny hair.

Chemical Haircare

Sulfates and other chemicals found in some haircare products are bad for your hair and are very drying, which is why hair experts are vocal about them. Rehydrate your hair naturally by using a natural conditioner like this Marula Oil Leave In Conditioner to draw and hold in moisture while repairing the dry, straw-like texture.

Harsh Brushing

Brushing wet hair requires extra caution because it is at its most fragile. This can harm the hair, causing breakage, hair loss, and a straw-textured appearance when it dries. If you like to brush through in the shower then:

  • Make sure your hair is coated with conditioner or a hair mask to make it easier for the brush to move through.
  • Use a brush made specifically for wet hair.
  • To prevent harm or damage to your strands, don’t pull or be forceful when you come across a knot.

Post Shower Styling

When you get out of the shower, it can be tempting to grab a towel and head inside to dry off your mane, but doing so can actually harm your hair. After a shower, squeeze the water out of your hair from roots to ends using a microfiber towel, and keep doing so until you have no more drips! If at all possible, let your hair air dry; however, if you must use heat, use a heat-protectant spray or lotion.

Tips for Fixing Straw Hair

Changing your hair care routine is the first step in repairing straw-like hair. Think about changing your habits and the products you use. For example:

  • try lowering the heat setting on your hair drying and styling tools and using them less frequently
  • select a shampoothat’s appropriate for your hair type and reduce your shampooing frequency
  • choose a conditioner that’s appropriate for your hair type and use it often
  • protect your hair from the sun’s UV rays and other environmental factors by wearing a hat, scarf, or other head covering
  • adjust your diet to include nutritional foodsthat support healthy hair

Make an appointment to see a dermatologist or primary care physician if you are not satisfied with the results of your lifestyle and product changes. They might have additional advice for how to take care of your hair. Additionally, they might conduct tests for underlying illnesses.

How Does Diet Affect Your Straw-like Hair?

Vitamin Intake

Vitamins are essential for healthy hair, just like they are for a healthy body. If your hair is dry, it’s possible that your diet is deficient in vitamins necessary for preserving a healthy mane. A great way to replenish nutrients in your hair is through the foods you eat.

Iron, a vitamin that helps the blood carry oxygen to your cells, is crucial for hair growth. Increase your intake of iron by eating more red meat, spinach, and quinoa. Additional examples of vital vitamins for healthy hair include Vitamin A and Zinc, both of which are abundant in spinach.


Because what you put into your body can be seen in your hair, it can be seen if you aren’t getting the right nutrients from your diet. You should evaluate your diet to make sure it’s balanced and includes enough vitamins if your hair starts to look straw-like, breaks, or falls out.

Your hair needs protein because it promotes elasticity and strength, which lowers breakages. Hair loss may be caused by a low protein diet.


Water consumption is crucial not only for keeping our bodies hydrated but also for maintaining healthy hair. Maintaining an accurate record of your daily intake will help you live a healthier lifestyle and control the moisture in your hair.

How to Get Rid of the Straw Feeling in My Hair?

Where can I find soft, silky hair? The first step in reversing straw-like hair may be as simple as addressing your hair care routine. Think about changing your hair routine and using gentler products instead of the ones you were previously using. You could even cut off all the split ends in your hair and start over if you really wanted to change up your appearance.

In Addition, try these:

  • Lowering the heat setting on your hair drying and styling tools, and using them less frequently
  • Select a shampoo that’s appropriate for your hair type and without harmful chemicals
  • When drying your hair, use microfiber towels rather than cotton ones to minimize friction damage.
  • Switch to a all-natural deep conditioner that’s appropriate for your hair type and use it often
  • Protect your hair from the sun’s UV rays by wearing a hat, scarf, or other head covering
  • Adjust your diet to include nutritional foods that support healthy hair growth

How to Keep My Hair Soft After Showering?

For a long term solution, install a high-quality water softener. Minerals that result in all dry, straw-like hair can be removed by water softening. Washing your hair in soft water will remove the constant itching and dead ends by leaving behind fewer scale deposits on the hair. As was already mentioned, there are many ways to temporarily treat the flat or oily hair caused by hard water, but for long-lasting, ongoing results, installing a water softener is the best option.

To achieve the best results, soft water needs less soap and fewer rinses, so your hair will keep its color and life for a lot longer. You get silky smooth hair after every wash because soft water balances the pH level in your hair. Additionally, soft water may help to lessen skin conditions like eczema and dryness. 

The effects of hard water on your hair can be eliminated with this long-term investment. Installing a water softener in your home will soften the water before it enters the house, allowing you to continue washing your hair with the water supply. There are many excellent water softeners available, and many of them are also inexpensive and simple to install.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Long Hair Take Away Nutrients?

No, this is a widespread myth. While the lengths and ends of your hair are actually dead tissue, the root of your hair grows because it is alive. However, as your hair grows, it becomes weaker, so it is important to take care of it to keep it looking healthy. Your hair will be revived and nourished if you use a mask or treatment like the Babassu Oil Hair Masque once a week.

Why is My Hair So Dry All of a Sudden?

Using products that are not intended for your hair can leave your hair dry, brittle, and fragile, making it breakable and having a straw-like texture. Another reason for dry hair may be that you aren’t using enough conditioner, the wrong kind of conditioner, or moisturizing treatments as part of your routine.

The Takeaway

If your hair suddenly started to feel like straw, a lack of moisture is probably to blame. This is usually due to some common haircare mistakes. Reviewing factors like the products you use, how much heat styling you do, as well as your diet and nutrient intake, will enable you to take action, change, and restore your damaged locks.

Read about Why Does My Hair Feel Waxy After Washing?

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